Like most people, I LOVE CAKE. I also love keeping fit and being in good shape. Unfortunately cake and fitness do not always go hand in hand. This blog will detail my research into delicious recipes, safe training, nutrition advice, product reviews...well simply anything interesting to do with maintaining a healthy lifestlye, (and any cheats I may find along the way)!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

The outdoors is your playground

Imagine a way to keep fit which is right on your door step. Imagine a way to lose weight without paying a penny. Imagine a way to start your day feeling mentally revitalised and de-stressed. By simply embarking on regular outdoor exercise you can make these visions a reality.
We all know that physical activity is good for us, but working out in a natural environment has mammoth benefits; not only for our physical but also emotional and mental well being. Research has shown that just five minutes of ‘green’ exercise as it is commonly referred to can boost our self esteem and mood.
The government recommends we perform 30 minutes of moderate-intensive physical activity five days a week. However recent research by the BBC has shown that only 24% of us are participating in this. Leaving the majority of us at risk of heart disease, obesity and type two diabetes.
Professor Bridle, an expert in exercise psychology from Southampton University said 30 minutes a day may seem challenging for some so start low and build up. “You can get good gains with relatively small amounts of physical activity. More is always better, but less is a good place to start."

Sport coaches from Brianmac believe so little of us are exercising because of busy lives, expensive gym memberships and the belief that exercising is how we all remember P.E. at school, shivering in a t-shirt and shorts. With green exercise, meeting the recommended physical activity guidelines does not have to be miserable, the complete opposite in fact.

Exercising outdoors gives our body a natural source of vitamin D, a micronutrient essential for strong bones and reducing the risk of cancer. Furthermore green exercise burns up to 20% more calories than exercising in a gym or aerobic class, the ideal solution for those of us trying to lose weight. Researchers from the University if Essex explain that this is because the body is utilising more calories to keep the body warm as well as battling natural elements such as wind and rain. 
Jo Bartan an exercise specialist from Essex University explains that not only can a 5 minute walk in nature restore mental fatigue but also “the average membership fee for a UK health and fitness club stands at £442 a year”, meaning that cost free green exercise is beneficial to our bank accounts too.
 Tom O’Brian a personal trainer for Zest utilises the beautiful Surrey countryside when training his clients. “The uneven surfaces make it harder for the body to maintain stability therefore continuously training the core muscles” he continues to explain further benefits of green exercise “the outside is always open, you are not restricted to only working out during gym hours”.

So if you want decrease the risk of getting cancer and heart disease as well as increasing your self esteem, pull on your trainers and get exploring the great outdoors.
For more information on green exercise please visit

1 comment:

  1. Great post, very interesting concept. You make a good point that all the factors need to come into play.Fitness is essential part of our life.It depends on the service you get.

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