Like most people, I LOVE CAKE. I also love keeping fit and being in good shape. Unfortunately cake and fitness do not always go hand in hand. This blog will detail my research into delicious recipes, safe training, nutrition advice, product reviews...well simply anything interesting to do with maintaining a healthy lifestlye, (and any cheats I may find along the way)!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Not so naughty ... yet still quite nice.

I do not just want to make a healthy alternative for a cake but an actual healthy cake. I want it to look like cake, smell like cake and taste like cake, but is this even possible? Surely if it was then either a health freak or supermarket brand would have them filling their health food isles. However I am going to give it a very good go.
My first trial I had planned to make three super healthy cupcakes however baking is most definitely experimental science and therefore things do not always go to plan, the following mixture made nine large cupcakes.
In order to decrease the most calorific part of the typical Western cupcake, the fat, I removed butter completely and used a combination of low fat cream cheese, mango puree and natural yoghurt to gain the same consistency. Without fat a cake will become denser, to overcome this I whisked an egg white until stiff before folding into the mixture in an attempt to add air to the cake.
To replace the ‘empty calories’ in huge quantities in most cakes. I replaced the sugar with a small amount of artificial sweetener, but mainly relying on the natural fruit sugars in the strawberries to provide the sweet taste you desire in a good cake.  
The quantities can be decreased or increased in synchronisation to adjust to how many cakes are desired.
v  90g Wholemeal flour
v  1 tsp Baking powder
v  30g Oats
v  1 Egg white
v  ½ Egg yolk
v  25g Sweetener
v  40 ml Low fat natural yoghurt
v  25g Low fat cream cheese
v  225ml Skimmed milk
v  5g Mango puree
v  160g Strawberries
v  5g white chocolate


1.       Preheat oven to 180o and line a muffin tin with paper cake cases.

2.       Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowel – wholemeal flour, baking powder, oats and sweetener

3.       Mix the wet ingredients (EXCEPT THE EGG WHITE) in another large bowel ensuring all forms one smooth liquid – egg yolk, low fat natural yoghurt, low fat cream cheese, skimmed milk and mango puree

4.        Mash the strawberries with a fork and heat in a saucepan in order to evaporate some of the water, leave to cool.

5.       Add the wet ingredients and cool strawberry puree to the dry ingredients and combine well.

6.       Whisk the egg white until it forms stiff peaks and fold into the mixture.

7.       Equally distribute the mixture between the cupcake cases, filling each case about two thirds.

8.       Bake in the centre of the oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown

9.       Remove from oven and uniformly dispense the 5g grated white chocolate on the top of the cakes.

Taste: The cakes tasted fairly sweet but would be better a little sweeter to suit my taste as it was the wholemeal flour that took over the flavour slightly.

Smell: During baking the cakes smelt like traditional Western cakes, both the strawberries and wholemeal flour over ride the cake smell on removal from the oven.

Texture: On the first day of baking the cakes were of a sticky consistency and difficult to remove from the cases in one piece however on days 1,2 and 3 the consistency  improved. They were very airy and not dense despite no fat in the ingredients, the whisked egg white worked well.  

Look: The cakes rose well but due to their low density when the white chocolate shavings were added the weight of them made the cakes sink a little in the middle.

Thumbs up from Finnley

The final test was to see whether my three year old son would eat one of mummy’s new cakes – he did and he loved it, even asking for seconds!


v  Add more fruit to ensure 1 portion in each cake by experimenting with drying strawberries.
v  Add corn flour to the strawberry puree to thicken up the mixture
v  Try with the addition of a small amount of low fat spread high in mono and poly unsaturated fat.
v  Increase oat contents to increase cholesterol lowering properties
v  Swap low fat yoghurt to yoghurt containing stanols and sterols to increase cholesterol lowering properties

Nutritional analysis
TRIAL ONEUnitsCaloriesProteinFatCarbohydrate
Egg white100g36900
one 36900
Egg yolk100g33916.230.50
L/F yoghurt100g564.817.4
L/F Cream cheese100g13214.983.5
Skimmed milk100g323.40.24.4
Mango puree100g710.70.116.7

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